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My Near Death Experience

I had a vision (NDE) when I was on the edge of death when I was a tiny girl. We were waiting for the ambulance to arrive and I saw above me a tunnel going up into heaven. The tunnel was completely comprised of angel heads and wings- exactly as this artist depicts. It was jammed packed with these child-like angels lining the walls of the circular tube-like tunnel. An angel said, "You have a choice. You can go with us, or you can stay with your Mommy and Daddy. But if you choose to stay, it will be very hard." I replied to the angel, "You go away! I am staying with my Mommy and Daddy!" I knew deep in my little heart it would crush my parents if I left with the angels. The ambulance arrived and they had to pack my Mom and I in ice because she would not let go of me and they rushed us to the hospital.

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